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This is a pistol, shotgun and rifle match. If you are a beginner at this you will probably be allowed to shoot what guns you have, within reason, and dress as you want. Cowboy Action Shooting involves reenactment however so there is some emphasis on guns that are correct for the western period and clothing as well. Guns may be original or reproduction. The guns needed in order to be correct are 2 single-action revolvers, a lever actions rifle shooting pistol caliber cartridges, and a double-barrel shotgun or Winchester 1897 pump shotgun.


These gunsmiths specialize in Cowboy Action Shooting guns but do gunsmith work in general as well.

Coyote Cap


These sites are either individuals or businesses that have some Cowboy Action Shooting information.

Army Clothing History
Captain Baylor's Ranger Camp
Cowboy Action Shooting
Cowboy Tales - A Cowboy Action Shooting site
Frontier Spot
Marauder's Cowboy Page
Original Civil War Uniforms
The Costumer's Manifesto Military Costume and Armor Links
Winchester 1897 Takedown Instructions
Women & Guns


These organizations engage in Cowboy Action Shooting or old west reenactment.

Grand Army of the Frontier Home Page
NCOWS (National Congress of Old West Shooters)
North-South Skirmish Association
Robbers Roost Vigilantes Home Page
SASS (Single Action Shooting Society)
Western Action Shootist Association


These retail stores sell items for Cowboy Action Shooting or old west reenactment.

American Civil War uniforms, Victorian clothing, reenactors, sutler
Buffalo Arms Co.
Buffalo Brothers - Grips, Conchos, Badges
C & D Jarnagin Company, Civil War uniforms
Carrico Leather
Cimarron Firearms - Old West Guns and Cowboy Action Shooting Firearms
Civil War Re-Enactor Sutler
Civil War Sutler
Cowboy Hats Store
D. Trader
Dixie Gun Works
EMF Company
Flight Suits Flight Jackets, Flying Helmets, EMS & Tactical Uniforms
G. Gedney Godwin Online Catalog
Grand Illusions Clothing Company - Civil War Uniforms and Clothing
Legendary Guns Inc Firearms and Accessories
Lever Arms
Military Items
Military Warehouse
Quartermaster Shop-Historical Military Uniform Reproductions
Shoot! Magazine - Western action shooting and the Old West
Taylors Firearms
Thickitycreek Civil War Reenactor Sutler
Vintage Grips