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Many of these gunsmiths specialize in some form of gun, such as Bullseye, 1911's or AR-15's. They will often sell high-performance parts or entire guns.

Accuracy Speaks-Derrick Martin
Actions by "T"
Altius Biathlon Rifles
American Gunsmithing Institute
Arrington Accuracy Works
ATC Custom Gun Works
Les Baer Custom
L. Bengtson Arms
Ed Brown
Burnt Mill Smithing's
CenterFire Central
Clark Custom Guns
Compass Lake Engineering
Cosby's Custom Gunsmithing
Mike Crisler - Highpower Riflesmith
Cylinder & Slide
EGSW (Evans Gunsmithing Shooters World)
EGW (Evolution Gun Works)
Clint Fowler
Fulton Armory
Geiges Rifles
Gre-Tan Rifles
Gun Tailor
High Performance Gunsmithing
High Performance International
Holland's Gunsmithing
Neal Johnson-Gunsmithing
KID Innovative Design
Lou Lombardi's Falcon Machining
Bob Marvel
Phill Mastin-Australian Gunsmith
Medesha Firearms
Mike's Shooters Supplies
Scott Pilkington's Pilkguns
Larry Racine-Savage Palma Rifles
Sams Custom Gunworks
Stoney Point (Optics Accessories)
Tank's Rifle Shop
Ted's Luger Strawing Service
Tenebraex Sunguard
Tippie Competition
Tripp Research
Albert Turner Enterprises
Van Comp Systems
Vanden Berg Custom
Virgin Valley Custom Guns
Warner Tool Co.
White Oak Precision-John Holliger
Wilson Combat
Hilton Yam He has some interesting articles on his site.